Over the past few weeks I’ve had the privilege to hear a few testimonies from those that we are serving.

  • In our UT chapter of Soul Purpose they are currently going through a Bible Study called “The Anxiety is Real” (a play on the popular phrase “the struggle is real”). After just a week going through this study the UT girls shared that they felt more peace in that week than they can remember in a long time.
  • Recently, I’ve learned about a new mom at the Pregnancy Center named Jenna (pictured in the photo above) who found Christ by attending our parenting classes and is now faithfully attending church.
  • I recently reconnected with a woman who went through a weekend retreat with the Haven who shared with me how pivotal healing from her past abortion was.

I walked away from each of these encounters / stories personally encouraged. That’s the power of testimonies, they have a way of lifting the spirits and providing courage and encouragement to the hearer.

I wanted to personally invite you to Created this year, April 24. This year we’re making space for more testimonies, and celebrating the amazing things that together, with the Lord, we built. I think you’ll be encouraged, and we’ll have some good food too. Grab a friend or 6 and meet me there. CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR TICKETS NOW!

Speaking on testimonies; have you signed up for the Hearts on the Wall prayer texts yet?! We’ve been sending out videos in real time when we’re celebrating a life saved. My heart leaps for joy every time I see one of the videos. Here’s the most recent video.



You can be praying with us by signing up for our Hearts on the Wall prayer texts. Click here!

Savannah Marten
Executive Director
Bella Vita Network